MODULE 1 - Introduction to Allergy Asthma Procedure Course
- Importance of procedures in allergy Practice.
- Eligibility, Need, Set up, Risk, Consents, Emergency Cart and Management, Reporting etc.
MODULE 2 - Principles of Diagnostic tests
- Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy, Precision, Positive and Negative Predictive values, Confidence Interval.
- Brief discussion on analytical variables: Role of pre testing, intra testing and post testing in relation to Clinical outcomes.
MODULE 3 - In Vitro diagnosis: Allergy
- CBC,TEC,Total lgE,Specific lgE,CRD,Serum Tryptase,Tissue Eosinophils,Complement 4 levels in Angioedema, C1 esterase inhibitors Quantitative and Qualitative in Angioedema.
MODULE 4 - Diagnosis of Allergy & Asthma
- Part A - Allergy Skin Testing,Nasal Eosinophils, Sputum Eosinophils, Peripheral Eosinophils, s lgE Nasal Provocation challenge.
- Part B - Asthma: Peak Expiratory Flow Rate, Spirometry, Pulse Oscillometry, FeNO, Exercise testing.
- Part C - Radiology: Sinus and Chest X rays, CT Sinuses and Chest, MRI Sinuses.
- Part D - Rhinolaryngoscopy.
MODULE 5 - Food Allergy
- Introduction on Food Allergy-Epidemiology, symptoms, types.
- Diagnosis of lgE mediated Food Allergy- with emphasis oh SPT, Specific lgE including emphasis of CRD, intro on OFC.
- Diagnosis of Non lg E mediated FA= emphasis on CM, wheat and EoE.
- Oral food challenge in detail for about.
MODULE 6 - Urticaria
- Ice cube test, Dermographism, Pressure Urticaria test, Tests for Cholinergic Urticaria, CD 203 assay, ASST, Skin Biopsy, ANA & Panel.
MODULE 7 - Allergic Contact Dermatitis & Atopic Dermatitis
- Allergy Patch test, Clinical Classification, Scoring of AD.
MODULE 8 - Drug Allergy
- History, Skin testing, slgE Graded oral Challenge Drug Desensitization, Delabelling, Vaccine Allergy.