Modified 20 December 2024
• The prevalence of allergies in Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities in India is estimated to be an alarming 20-30%.
• The Phase 3 International Study of Asthma and Allergy (ISAAC) Study reported an overall prevalence of current wheeze of 7% of Indian children aged 6-7 years and 13-14 years with a higher prevalence of up to 10-20% in some areas.
• Shockingly, 77% of Indians are exposed to PM2.5 levels > 40mcg/m3. (The WHO recommendation being below 10mcg/m3)
• Approximately 1 out of 4 OPD visits in India are estimated to be for allergic disorders, primarily respiratory and skin allergies.
Taking into consideration the needs of allergy specialists in India, we have developed a 9-month certified course for doctors “Allergy Asthma Specialist Course” (AASC) to provide 100 ambitious doctors knowledge from international experts.
The course has been designed by 19 internationally acclaimed allergy & immunology experts from India, the USA and Singapore - all of who are from esteemed institutions such as Harvard, University of Colorado, Mt. Sinai, National University of Health Singapore, Christian Medical College Vellore, and more.
Well-researched information from faculty across the world will help you gain different perspectives and knowledge so that you can upgrade your knowledge and practice the latest recommended evidence-based treatment for this hidden epidemic. The course has been designed to suit the Asian context with emphasis on the basics of allergy and immunology, diagnostic tools, and immunotherapy for allergy.
With predominantly online recorded sessions, frequent live contact sessions, and a 1-day hands-on personal contact session, the AACC will also have regular assignments, Q&A sessions with the faculty, case presentations and so on to ensure active learning.
The coursework can be accessed via mobiles - both Android and Apple, laptops, iPads, and other tablets, and will require you to dedicate approximately 4-5 hours a week to it.
Modified 16 December 2024
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